Elliott Chappell - autocorrected for websiteLIFT Centres
(Local Investment Finance Trust)

For many years NHS LIFT was a vehicle for improving and developing frontline primary and community care facilities. High quality, fit for purpose primary care premises are key to the provision of modern integrated health services. And a community pharmacy was recognised by LIFT as being a crucial addition to a primary care centre both in terms of enhancing the overall healthcare proposition and as a net contributor to the business case. NHS interests in LIFT Cos have since been restructured and sit with Community Health Partnerships (CHP) and DLA continues to support CHP partners with pharmacy matters arising.

David Lancaster Associates has supported a dozen or more LIFT Companies in identifying tenants for their LIFT health centres.   It has been a crucial consideration for LIFTCo’s to ensure that the process for selecting their preferred pharmacy bidder is fair and robust. The process should be scrutinisable in all respects from the invitation to tender, to short-listing, interview scoring, & appointment of preferred bidder, with a trail that can be inspected, retrospectively if necessary.

DLA coordinates pharmacy interviews with shortlisted bidders as and when required. Presentations to interview panels have been very illuminating and have assisted LIFTCo’s in making their final preferred-bidder selection for their LIFT centres.